Aspergillus P. Micheli ex Haller
For synonyms of the genus Aspergillus click here.
The following list includes species accepted in the genus Aspergillus and is published in Samson et al.(2014). Noticeable changes from the previous lists are the incorporation of Aspergillus names for species previously accepted in the associated teleomorphic genera, as well as species previously classified in Cristaspora, Dichotomomyces, Basipetospora, Phialosimplex and Polypaecilum as well as Penicillium inflatum. The nomenclatural list includes MycoBank numbers, collection numbers of holotype and ex-type cultures and GenBank accession numbers to ITS barcodes and alternative identification markers BenA, CaM and RPB2.
A considerable amount of time and effort was spent on having the list as complete as possible. However, we acknowledge that there might be some mistakes in this list. As such, we gratefully accept any comments on missing names, errors, new data that has become available, or on methods to make the list more functional. As the taxonomy keeps evolving in fungi, this list will be kept up to date.
When using information provided in this list, please cite Samson et al. (2014).
List of accepted species in Aspergillus
The following list includes species names that are accepted in the genus Aspergillus. Even though the updating of the accepted species list began for nomenclatural purposes, we aim to make this list more functional by including additional information linked to the species names. The list thus includes MycoBank numbers where complete nomenclatural data can be obtained, collection numbers of ex-type strains for future taxonomists requiring authenticated reference material, the species current sectional classification, and GenBank accession numbers for ITS barcodes and, where available, alternative molecular identification markers for BenA, CaM and RPB2.
Despite the considerable amount of time and effort spent on completing this list, there is the possibility of errors or oversights. As such we solicit and gratefully accept any comments on missing names, errors or new data that has become available, especially when publishing a new species. We would also appreciate suggestions for making the list more useful.