*Aspergillus caatingaensis Y. Horie et al., Mycoscience 55: 84, 2014. [MB801323]. — type: IFM 61335H. ex-type: IFM 61335. sect Fumigati. ITS barcode: n.a (alternative markers: BenA = AB743854; CaM = AB743860; RPB2 = LT158500).
*Aspergillus caelatus B.W. Horn, Mycotaxon 61: 186, 1997. [MB436955]. — type: BPI 737601. ex-type: CBS 763.97 = NRRL 25528 = ATCC 201128. sect Flavi. ITS barcode: AF004930 (alternative markers: BenA = EF661470; CaM = EF661522; RPB2 = EF661436).
*Aspergillus caesiellus Saito, J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 18: 49, 1904. [MB205025]. — type: IMI 172278. ex-type: CBS 470.65 = NRRL 5061 = ATCC 11905 = IFO 4882 = IMI 172278 = WB 5061. sect Restricti. ITS barcode: EF652044 (alternative markers: BenA = EF651884; CaM = EF652030; RPB2 = EF651981).
*Aspergillus caespitosus Raper & Thom, Mycologia 36: 563, 1944. [MB284298]. — type: IMI 16034ii. ex-type: CBS 103.45 = NRRL 1929 = ATCC 11256 = IMI 16034 = MUCL 13587 = NCTC 6972 = NCTC 6973 = QM 7399 = WB 1929. sect Nidulantes. ITS barcode: EF652428 (alternative markers: BenA = EF652252; CaM = EF652340; RPB2 = EF652164).
*Aspergillus calidoustus Varga, Houbraken & Samson, Eukaryot. Cell 7: 636, 2008. [MB504846]. — type: unknown. ex-type: CBS 121601. sect Usti. ITS barcode: HE616558 (alternative markers: BenA = FJ624456; CaM = HE616559; RPB2 = n.a.).
*Aspergillus californicus Frisvad, Varga & Samson, Stud. Mycol. 69: 91, 2011. [MB560400]. — type: CBS H-20635. ex-type: CBS 123895 = IBT 16748. sect Cavernicolus. ITS barcode: FJ531153 (alternative markers: BenA = FJ531180; CaM = FJ531128; RPB2 = n.a.).
*Aspergillus campestris M. Chr., Mycologia 74: 212, 1982. [MB110495]. — type: NY ST 2–3–1. ex-type: CBS 348.81 = NRRL 13001 = ATCC 44563 = IMI 259099. sect Candidi. ITS barcode: EF669577 (alternative markers: BenA = EU014091; CaM = EF669535; RPB2 = EF669619).
*Aspergillus candidus Link, Mag. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 3: 16, 1809: Fr. [MB204868]. — type: CBS 566.65. ex-type: CBS 566.65 = NRRL 303 = ATCC 1002 = IMI 16264 = IMI 91889 = LSHBA c .27 = NCTC 595 = QM 1995 = Thom 106 = WB 303. sect Candidi. ITS barcode: EF669592 (alternative markers: BenA = EU014089; CaM = EF669550; RPB2 = EF669634).
*Aspergillus caninus (Sigler et al.) Houbraken et al., Stud. Mycol. 78: 154, 2014 ≡ Phialosimplex caninus Sigler et al., Med. Mycol. 48: 338, 2010. [MB809580]. — type: UAMH 10337. ex-type: CBS 128032 = UAMH 10337. sect Polypaecilum. ITS barcode: GQ169315 (alternative markers: BenA = KY980546; CaM = KY980582; RPB2 = JN121445).
*Aspergillus capensis Visagie, Hirooka & Samson, Stud. Mycol. 78: 105, 2014. [MB809193]. — type: CBS H-21810. ex-type: CBS 138188 = DTO 179E6. sect Flavipedes. ITS barcode: KJ775550 (alternative markers: BenA = KJ775072; CaM = KJ775279; RPB2 = KP987020).
*Aspergillus caperatus A.J. Chen, Frisvad & Samson, Studies in Mycology 88: 85, 2017. [MB818733] — type: CBS H-22825 (holotype). ex-type: CBS 141774 = DTO 337-E6 = IBT 34451. sect Aspergillus. ITS barcode: LT670922 (alternative markers: BenA = LT671008; CaM = LT671009; RPB2 = LT671010).
*Aspergillus carbonarius (Bainier) Thom, J. Agric. Res. 7: 12, 1916 ≡ Sterigmatocystis carbonaria Bainier, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 27: 27, 1880. [MB100545]. — type: CBS 556.65. ex-type: CBS 111.26 = NRRL 369 = ATCC 1025 = IMI 16136 = LSHBA c .11 = NCTC 1325 = NRRL 1987 = QM 331 = Thom 4030.1 = WB 369. sect Nigri. ITS barcode: EF661204 (alternative markers: BenA = EF661099; CaM = EF661167; RPB2 = EF661068).
*Aspergillus carlsbadensis Frisvad, Varga & Samson, Stud. Mycol. 69: 92, 2011. [MB560399]. — type: CBS H-30634. ex-type: CBS 123894 = IBT 14493. sect Usti. ITS barcode: FJ531151 (alternative markers: BenA = FJ531179; CaM = FJ531126; RPB2 = KU866973).
*Aspergillus carneus Blochwitz, Ann. Mycol. 31: 81, 1933. [MB259903]. — type: IMI 1358818. ex-type: CBS 494.65 = NRRL 527 = ATCC 16798 = IMI 135818 = QM 7401 = Thom 5740.4 = WB 527. sect Terrei. ITS barcode: EF669611 (alternative markers: BenA = EF669529; CaM = EF669569; RPB2 = EF669653).
*Aspergillus cavernicola Lörinczi, Contrt. Bot. Cluj: 341, 1969. [MB326617]. — type: CBS 117.76. ex-type: CBS117.76 = NRRL6327. sect Cavernicolus. ITS barcode: EF652508 (alternative markers: BenA = EF652332; CaM = EF652420; RPB2 = EF652244).
*Aspergillus cejpii (Milko) Samson, Varga, Visagie & Houbraken, Stud. Mycol. 78: 155, 2014 ≡ Talaromyces cejpii Milko, Nov. sist. Niz. Rast. 1: 208, 1964 ≡ Dichotomomyces cejpii (Milko) D.B. Scott, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 55: 314, 1970. [MB809582]. — type: CBS H-7011. ex-type: CBS 157.66. sect Fumigati/Clavati. ITS barcode: (CCF1661)FR733877 (alternative markers: BenA = EU076314; CaM = n.a.; RPB2 = JN121447).
*Aspergillus cervinus Massee, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1914: 158, 1914. [MB211549]. — type: WIS WISC WT 540. ex-type: CBS 537.65 = NRRL 5025 = ATCC 16915 = IMI 126542 = QM 8875 = WB 5025. sect Cervini. ITS barcode: EF661268 (alternative markers: BenA = EF661251; CaM = EF661261; RPB2 = EF661229).
*Aspergillus chevalieri (L. Mangin) Thom & Church, The Aspergilli: 111, 1926 ≡ Eurotium chevalieri L. Mangin, Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 9 10: 361, 1910. [MB292839]. — type: IMI 211382. ex-type: CBS 522.65 = NRRL 78 = ATCC 16443 = IMI 211382 = NRRL A-7803 = Thom 4125.3 = WB 78. sect Aspergillus. ITS barcode: EF652068 (alternative markers: BenA = EF651911; CaM = EF652002; RPB2 = EF651954).
*Aspergillus chlamydosporus (Gené & Guarro) Houbraken et al., Stud. Mycol. 78: 155, 2014 ≡ Sagenomella chlamydospora Gené & Guarro, J. Clin. Microbiol. 41: 1723, 2003 ≡ Phialosimplex chlamydosporus (Gené & Guarro) Sigler, Med. Mycol. 48: 341, 2010. [MB809584]. — type: IMI 387422. ex-type: CBS 109945 = IMI 387422 = FMR 7371. sect Polypaecilum. ITS barcode: AJ519984 (alternative markers: BenA = KY980545; CaM = KY980581; RPB2 = JN121425).
*Aspergillus christenseniae A.J. Chen, Frisvad & Samson, Studies in Mycology 85: 75, 2016. [MB817724]. — type: CBS H-9127. ex-type: CBS 122.56 = DTO 022-C8 = IBT 22043 = IBT 23735 = IMI 343732 = NRRL 4897 = WB 4897. sect Cervini. ITS barcode: FJ491613 (alternative markers: BenA = FJ491639; CaM = FJ491608; RPB2 = EF661235).
*Aspergillus chrysellus Kwon-Chung & Fennell, Gen. Aspergillus: 424, 1965 ≡ Chaetosartorya chrysella (Kwon-Chung & Fennell) Subram., Curr. Sci. 41: 761, 1972 ≡ Harpezomyces chrysellus (Kwon-Chung & Fennell) Malloch & Cain, Can. J. Bot. 50: 2619, 1973 ≡ Aspergillus chryseides Samson & W. Gams, Adv. Penicillium Aspergillus Syst.: 36, 1985. [MB326618]. — type: IMI 238612. ex-type: CBS 472.65 = NRRL 5084 = ATCC 16852 = IMI 238612 = IMI 238612ii = QM 8876 = WB 5084. sect Cremei. ITS barcode: EF652155 (alternative markers: BenA = EF652109; CaM = EF652136; RPB2 = EF652090).
*Aspergillus cibarius S.B. Hong & Samson, J. Microbiol 50: 713, 2012. [MB800861]. — type: KACC 46346. ex-type: KACC 46346. sect Aspergillus. ITS barcode: JQ918177 (alternative markers: BenA = JQ918180; CaM = JQ918183; RPB2 = JQ918186).
*Aspergillus citrinoterreusGuinea, Sandoval-Denis, Escribano, Bouza & Guarro, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 53: 612, 2015. [MB810584]. — type: CBS H-22005. ex-type: CBS 138921 = GM 228. sect Terrei. ITS barcode: KP175260 (alternative markers: BenA = LN680657; CaM = LN680685; RPB2 = n.a.).
*Aspergillus citrocrescens Hubka, A. Nováková & M. Kolařík, Persoonia 35: 311, 2016. [MB814680]. — type: PRM 934413. ex-type: CCF 4001 = CBS 140566. sect Cremei. ITS barcode: FR727121 (alternative markers: BenA = FR775317; CaM = LN878969; RPB2 = n.a.).
*Aspergillus clavatonanicus Bat. et al., Anais Fac. Med. Univ. Recife 15: 197, 1955. [MB292840]. — type: IMI 235352. ex-type: CBS 474.65 = NRRL 4741 = ATCC 12413 = DMUR 532 = IMI 235352 = JCM 10183 = QM 7059 = WB 4741. sect Clavati. ITS barcode: EF669986 (alternative markers: BenA = EF669842; CaM = EF669912; RPB2 = EF669773).
*Aspergillus clavatus Desm., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 2 2: 71, 1834. [MB211530]. — type: IMI 15949. ex-type: CBS 513.65 = NRRL 1 = ATCC 1007 = ATCC 9598 = ATCC 9602 = CECT2674 = DSM 816 = IMI 15949 = LSHBA c .86 = LSHBA c .95 = MIT213 = NCTC 3887 = NCTC 9 = NCTC 978 = NRRL 1656 = QM 1276 = QM 7404 = Thom 107 = WB 1. sect Clavati. ITS barcode: EF669942 (alternative markers: BenA = EF669802; CaM = EF669871; RPB2 = EF669730).
*Aspergillus conicus Blochwitz, Ann. Mycol. 12: 38, 1914. [MB120214]. — type: IMI 172281. ex-type: CBS 475.65 = NRRL 149 = ATCC 16908 = IMI 172281 = QM 7405 = Thom 4733.701 = WB 149. sect Restricti. ITS barcode: EF652039 (alternative markers: BenA = EF651881; CaM = EF652033; RPB2 = EF651975).
*Aspergillus conjunctus Kwon-Chung & Fennell, Gen. Aspergillus: 552, 1965. [MB326620]. — type: IMI 135421. ex-type: CBS 476.65 = NRRL 5080 = ATCC 16796 = IMI 135421 = QM 8878 = WB 5080. sect Sparsi. ITS barcode: EF661179 (alternative markers: BenA = EF661111; CaM = EF661133; RPB2 = EF661042).
*Aspergillus contaminans Hubka, Jurjević, S.W. Peterson & Lysková, Persoonia 39: 285, 2017. [MB821684] — type: PRM 944503 (holotype). ex-type: CCF 4682 = CBS 142451 = NRRL 66666. sect Usti. ITS barcode: LT594451 (alternative markers: BenA = LT594443; CaM = LT594425; RPB2 = LT594434).
*Aspergillus conversis Hubka & A. Nováková, Fungal Divers. 64: 262, 2014. [MB803935]. — type: PRM 860541. ex-type: CBS 135457 = NRRL 62496 = CCF 4190 = CMF ISB 2151 = IFM 60857. sect Fumigati. ITS barcode: HF937385 (alternative markers: BenA = HF933363; CaM = HF933387; RPB2 = HF937379).
*Aspergillus coremiiformis Bartoli & Maggi, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 71: 386, 1979. [MB309214]. — type: RO 102 S. ex-type: CBS 553.77 = NRRL 13603 = ATCC 38576 = IMI 223069 = NRRL 13756. sect Flavi. ITS barcode: EF661544 (alternative markers: BenA = EU014104; CaM = EU014112; RPB2 = EU021623).
*Aspergillus corrugatus Udagawa & Y. Horie, Mycotaxon 4: 535, 1976 ≡ Emericella corrugata Udagawa & Y. Horie, Mycotaxon 4: 535, 1976. [MB309216]. — type: NHL 2763. ex-type: CBS 191.77 = NHL 2763 = CBM-FA-73. sect Nidulantes. ITS barcode: KU866574 (alternative markers: BenA = KU866814; CaM = AB476811; RPB2 = KU866951).
*Aspergillus costaricaensis Samson & Frisvad, Stud. Mycol. 50: 52, 2004. [MB500007]. — type: CBS H-13437. ex-type: CBS 115574 = IBT 23401 = CECT 20579 = ITEM 7555. sect Nigri. ITS barcode: DQ900602 (alternative markers: BenA = FJ629277; CaM = FN594545; RPB2 = HE984361).
*Aspergillus costiformis H.Z. Kong & Z.T. Qi, Acta Mycol. Sin. 14: 10, 1995 ≡ Eurotium costiforme H.Z. Kong & Z.T. Qi, Acta Mycol. Sin. 14: 10, 1995. [MB363444]. — type: HMAS 62766. ex-type: CBS 101749 = AS 3.4664. sect Aspergillus. ITS barcode: HE615136 (alternative markers: BenA = HE801338; CaM = HE801320; RPB2 = HE801309).
*Aspergillus creber Jurjevic, S.W. Peterson & B.W. Horn, IMA Fungus 3: 69, 2012. [MB800598]. — type: BPI 800912. ex-type: NRRL 58592. sect Nidulantes. ITS barcode: JQ301889 (alternative markers: BenA = JN853980; CaM = JN854043; RPB2 = JN853832).
*Aspergillus cremeus Kwon-Chung & Fennell, Gen. Aspergillus: 418, 1965 ≡ Chaetosartorya cremea (Kwon-Chung & Fennell) Subram., Curr. Sci. 41: 761, 1972 ≡ Harpezomyces cremeus (Kwon-Chung & Fennell) Malloch & Cain, Can. J. Bot. 50: 2620, 1973 ≡ Aspergillus cremeoflavus Samson & W. Gams, Adv. Penicillium Aspergillus Syst.: 37, 1985. [MB326621]. — type: IMI 123749ii. ex-type: CBS 477.65 = NRRL 5081 = ATCC 16857 = IMI 123749 = QM 8879 = QM 9191 = WB 5081. sect Cremei. ITS barcode: EF652149 (alternative markers: BenA = EF652120; CaM = EF652125; RPB2 = EF652101).
*Aspergillus cretensis Frisvad & Samson, Stud. Mycol. 50: 33, 2004. [MB500002]. — type: CBS H-13446. ex-type: CBS 112802 = NRRL 35672 = IBT 17505. sect Circumdati. ITS barcode: FJ491572 (alternative markers: BenA = AY819977; CaM = FJ491534; RPB2 = EF661311).
*Aspergillus cristatus Raper & Fennell, Gen. Aspergillus: 169, 1965 ≡ Eurotium cristatum (Raper & Fennell) Malloch & Cain, Can. J. Bot. 50: 64, 1972. [MB326622]. — type: IMI 172278. ex-type: CBS 123.53 = NRRL 4222 = ATCC 16468 = IMI 172280 = MUCL 15644 = WB 4222. sect Aspergillus. ITS barcode: EF652078 (alternative markers: BenA = EF651914; CaM = EF652001; RPB2 = EF651957).
*Aspergillus croceus Hubka, A. Nováková, Frisvad, S.W. Peterson & M. Kolařík, Plant Systematics and Evolution 302: 1291, 2016. [MB816281]. — type: PRM 924053. ex-type: CBS 134396 = CCF 4405 = NRRL 62495 = IBT 33602.. sect Nidulantes. ITS barcode: LN873931 (alternative markers: BenA = LN873944; CaM = LN873957; RPB2 = LN873976).
*Aspergillus crustosus Raper & Fennell, Gen. Aspergillus: 532, 1965. [MB326623]. — type: IMI 135819. ex-type: CBS 478.65 = NRRL 4988 = ATCC 16806 = IMI 135819 = NRRL A-3254 = QM 8910 = WB 4988. sect Aeni. ITS barcode: EF652489 (alternative markers: BenA = EF652313; CaM = EF652401; RPB2 = EF652225).
*Aspergillus cumulatus D.H. Kim & S.B. Hong, J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 24: 335, 2014. [MB807118]. — type: KACC 47316. ex-type: KACC 47316. sect Aspergillus. ITS barcode: KF928303 (alternative markers: BenA = KF928297; CaM = KF928300; RPB2 = KF928294).
*Aspergillus cvjetkovicii Jurjevic, S.W. Peterson & B.W. Horn, IMA Fungus 3: 69, 2012. [MB800599]. — type: BPI 880909. ex-type: NRRL 227. sect Nidulantes. ITS barcode: EF652440 (alternative markers: BenA = EF652264; CaM = EF652352; RPB2 = EF652176).